Angela DeMille Penlight version 0.1628.1: New Villain Storyline Continuation
Subjunctive Games MindWare: Infected Identity version 0.2.0 - Supporters-Only Beta 1 Hotfix 1
Zell23 Forest of the Blue Skin version Build February
Arianwen Mortimer Maiden of Milk Side Story: Clarabelle version 27.0.0
Vortex Cannon Entertainment Last Man version 4.29
KloppStyle Driven by Desire version 0.2
Blue Fairy Media Games The Restoration of Aphrodisia version 0.7.01
Muffin Maker The Long Way version 0.13.0
Muffin Maker The Hard Way version 0.40.0
Oni Rogue-like Evolution version 1.61d
Shadow Portal SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm version 0.45
Mr. Unaware Studios UiTC version 42
Chaixas-Games My Virtual Sluts XXLove version 1.0
Syvaron Portals of Phereon version
Novus Left Hand Magic Build 25
Moochie Photo Hunt version 0.18.1
Sid Valentine Plaything version 0.50
Andrealphus Love & Sex: Second Base version 25.2.0b
Akaime AIRevolution version 0.3.6
about_it About it version 0.98.2