It has been over one hundred years since The Great Exile that saw nearly all of humanity in a desperate flight back to their ancestral homeworld. Now Aphrodisia is in more chaos than ever with a great multi-factional demon civil war all vying to call themselves the one and only Empress of the Demon Empire. After spending the past century trapped as a prisoner-guest of a mysterious Enchantress, you now return to the ruins of a kingdom you once called home and fulfill your destiny in The Restoration of Aphrodisia!
New game content (quests/writing/art/etc):
- Added a point of interest near Grayboulder Summit that can teach the player how to brew dragon transformation potions
-- This location is only visible when The Horny Dragon's Hoard is completed
- Added two new lore books about dragons
- Pippi the Pixie Prankster now has custom artwork created by hermes3megistus
- Points of interest can now have an alchemy workstation attraction, opening up the alchemy crafting panel straight from a point of interest similar to healing/sooothing/trading, etc
- Fix for overflowing lost item display on low health / high lust player recovery panel
News edited by Vitaltar - 5-03-2025, 14:23 Reason: add version 0.7.01[/ edit-reason]