Angela DeMille Penlight version 0.1628.1: New Villain Storyline Continuation
Amaty A Mirror's Curse version 0.18 Patched
Subjunctive Games MindWare: Infected Identity version 0.2.0 - Supporters-Only Beta 1 Hotfix 1
Nota Bao New Life Project version 0.8.1
Zell23 Forest of the Blue Skin version Build February
TG Emblem by Yurale version 0.25.0
DerelictHelmsman Breeders of the Nephelym version 0.761.59
Hard Times in Hornstown by Unlikely version 9.9
Arianwen Mortimer Maiden of Milk Side Story: Clarabelle version 27.0.0
AmusingOddity Sluttown USA: Hometown Corruption version 0.45
EP:Backrooms by SIFAGames version 6.7.5
Vortex Cannon Entertainment Last Man version 4.29
Seventh Vixen Main Thread version 0.24d
A Spell For All by Сmacleod42 version 14.16a
NikociantGames Dominant Witches 2 version 0.4.5
Joe Moma Project Reeducation version 1.30
KloppStyle Driven by Desire version 0.2
Blue Fairy Media Games The Restoration of Aphrodisia version 0.7.01
Jktulord SinE3R version 0.22
Team Desire, Aquin25 Cyberspace Battle Maiden Academy version 20