You follow and control Zara Williams as she takes on a challenge to become the Prom Queen in the Graduation Day Promenade no matter what the cost. Can you help her become a somebody after spending all her life as a nobody?
Take her on a journey in school and with her family and even random strangers in the city as you build Zara towards a slut who will do anything and everything to achieve her goals. She is a woman of focus, commitment and sheer will.
Sex Passages Currently In the Game: 242
Approx. number of sex scenes: 370 (counting variations in the same sex passages)
-Game now checks if player has bought strap-on before it can be used in "restHang lisa"
-Modified "park drugs sell" to add one more night forced image
-Added 1 bullying and 1 revenge scene in "jessica bully PE event2" for bullying events in P.E. (new!)
-Added 1 forced blowjob and 1 forced sex scenes in "jessica bully PE event2" based on chance
-Added 1 bullying and 1 revenge scene in "jessica bully PE event3" for bullying events in P.E. (new!)
-Added 1 forced sex scenes in "jessica bully PE event3" based on chance
-Added 1 mini-spying scene and 3 FFM scenes to "pe event6" (new!)
-Added 1 straight interracial scene to "levent6" while reading an adult book in the library (new!)
-Modified and added 3 lesbian scenes to "restHang lisa" when hanging out with Lisa through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "parkHang lisa" when hanging out with Lisa through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "mallHang lisa" when hanging out with Lisa through the phone
-Modified and added 2 FFM scenes to "parkHang lisa ffm" when hanging out with Lisa through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "park event4" when jogging in the park
News edited by Vitaltar - 10-03-2025, 12:42 Reason: add version 0.87[/ edit-reason]