Dodongamagnifico My Maid Dreams of Electric Sheep version 0.5.12
Westane The Company version 5.12.0
Diogaoo Hero Corruption 2 version 1.20c
Bit Fat Games The Magissy: Reloaded version 0.4.4
Remendo's Pvt Lmt Conspiracy Ch1 version 0.8
Oppai Games Quickie A Love Hotel Story version 0.37
Bastard Games & Entertainment King's Fall version
Beepbopdubi Learn The Heart version 0.4.0
Shaso Dilmur version 0.19a
Lust and Passion A Wife And Mother part2 version 0.205b
Zimon Champion Of Realms version 0.93
Seventh Vixen Main Thread version 0.24.d
Tora Productions Gemini version 1.1
Crushstation Female Agent version 1.20.1p
Skullcam37 A Photographer's Lies version 1.106.0
Thunder One Tales of Terrara version 0.4.0
Logan Scodini Summer of Shame version 0.45.0
Pink Lotus Becoming version 0.1 Alpha
Mike Velesk Total Seduction 2 version 1.3
Thunder One Tales of Terrara The Unending Void 2 version 0.20.1 Extra Edition