A Prince's Tale by Tiny-pastry version 0.2.8
Demon Alter Studios Lustful Apocalypse version
King's Turtle Cursed Overlord 2 version 0.48
Andrealphus Love & Sex: Second Base version 25.1.0
DerelictHelmsman Breeders of the Nephelym version 0.761.153a
Shirahoshi Studio Delusion version 0.6.1
Sesalia Ero-Gen 2 version 0.2.1
Blue Fairy Media Games The Restoration of Aphrodisia version 0.5.00
Boobsgames Warlock and Boobs version 0.509
Threshold Monster Girl Dreams version 26.6
Forefinger DmLPast version 0.7
Vortex Cannon Entertainment Last Man version 4.285
Vortex Cannon Entertainment My Harem Vacation in a Time Loop version 0.500
Secretary by Deedee version
Aura-dev Star Knightess Aura version 1.0.0
Mensh Sekira Part 2 version 0.2
Parodos Goblin Layer version 0.57.2
Darkcookie Summertime Saga version 21.0.0-wip.5605
Icy Viridian Wasteland Lewdness version 0.59.1
BBBen Lord Goblin version 0.30