I died and was reincarnated into a - wait no...
Demon Gods is about a woman (or man, or ...something else) who is isekai'd to another world and forced to learn to live as a Succubus and cope with her new instincts and desires. It is a smut game but has a focus on story and lore. I hope you enjoy it!
Ver 0.64
New Content
Chapter 4 is complete
You can now visit Yuki's home and finish her scenario.
Several different and detailed scenes based on choices.
Several non-lewd character and story images.
3 seperate possible lewd scenes. 2 of them require at least 35 corruption.
New scenes with Yuki when you take her to her favorite place (after finishing her scenario).
Depending on the outcome with Yuki, one of two new scenes can be seen at the brothel. More to come later.
2 new minor characters whose names will change based on who names them (Rhelyla or Takara).
Please view both versions... ♥
Multiple new lewd scenes available, including one with Yuki. Alaric also has a hidden option for his lewd scene depending on how you handle battle.
Trashed the old hints system, replaced with a new one.
Added a modification to battles to allow for a secret in a specific fight. (This SHOULDN'T break anything...)
New possible (bad) ending.
The usual typos.
Removed the note about transformation every single turn if the enemy is too high of a level.
Added a note under your stats - list of spells for transformation that it doesn't work on enemies that are 5 levels higher than you.
Modified some of the dialogue against in battle.
Rephrased "lounge" in your room since the only thing you can do with it at the moment is speak to Yuki. Possibly temporary.
Honestly a lot more...
News edited by Vitaltar - Today, 11:45 Reason: add version 0.64[/ edit-reason]