You play the role of Sir Patrik of Akros, a charismatic, handsome and middle aged (for the times) Knight that set by bonds of loyalty and family to the new Countess of Kathia, is bound to gather the fealty of the vassals of his liege, cajole with the outer counts, and overthrow the Duke of Luvia. It will not be only a path of conflict, choices of whom to trust and whom to make a head short, but will let the player enjoy the power fantasy of the Middle Ages, using the lesser and being used by the higher, both for power and for pleasure. In your treacherous journey among medieval politics, nothing will stop you from romancing and lay with any woman that is put in your way, for lust, love or political interest. Not only nothing stops you: Is part of your mission.
0.24d Specific Changelog:
-Fixed some visuals on Romance Trackers
-Fixed some bug when rewatching meanwhile scenes.
-Fixed some Hartlepool remembers.
-Now All meanwhiles and Alternate Scenes have unlocking requirements.
Around 40 additional typo fixes
Temporal bug:
Custom labels for saves not working (Not much a problem with the Load Preview Info, I guess it will be fixed for 0.25 (third party problem)
News edited by Vitaltar - 7-03-2025, 12:25 Reason: add version 0.24d[/ edit-reason]