This game centers around the adventures of Nathasha in a world devastated by war, where she will face marvellous encounters, interesting stories, artful enemies, fearful dangers, loyal friends and... other different things.
v0.7.0 Beta
add: full conversion for tiled map editor
add: wasteland trader naked reaction
add: overseer water chip additional dialogues
add: overseer naked reaction
add: vault doctor naked reaction
add: lockpicking messages
add: hide exit zones option
add: peegasm event
add: beta launch pop-up warning
add: advanced cheat manager
add: guiding hints pop-ups
add: chinese localization (gri chen)
mod: vault 15 water chip search process
mod: almost everything
fix: handbook images crash
fix: lockpick accidential auto play
fix: lockpick minigame text spikes
fix: articles missing texts
fix: consumed items battle busts
fix: various path finding bugs
News edited by Vitaltar - 12-07-2024, 08:35 Reason: add version 0.7.0[/ edit-reason]