An ordinary high school student named John comes across an object of immense power on an otherwise ordinary day. Will he use it to pursue his own deepest desires? Or will he and his friends be caught between forces they don't understand?
Version 8.1
A typo in variable in the high-point Sitcom ending has been fixed, preventing a crash.
Two minor issues in the default scenarios were fixed. Yes, that's all the detail you're gonna get.
A slowdown in the CG gallery was introduced by accident and has now been fixed.
A smaller-than-usual amount of tyop and grammar fixes. We decided that it'd be fun if we left some for later.
The 'possess' command now allows for specification of blush expressions again.
Removed scam link leading to a casino website in the example scenario. We'll have to find a different way to monetize...
The estimated scenario reading time display has been adjusted so that it no longer rounds to full hours, making it more precise.
The mute button returns to work after a long absence while recovering from a severe alcohol addiction.
Scarlet's bedroom. Don't look, perv!
A button that takes you directly to the relevant flowchart for the current version. What do you mean you don't know all of our arbitrary route names by heart?!
News edited by Vitaltar - 8-07-2024, 06:35 Reason: add version 8.1[/ edit-reason]