Tales of Terrara takes place in a fantastic world inhabited by races like elves and orcs, ferocious monsters and ever-watching gods. A commoner with humble beginings, through a pact with a mysterious entity, acquires power they don't quite understand and slowly become capable of unimaginable things. Will they keep their pure heart or succumb to the power and corruption? Will they use it to make the world a better place or for their own twisted desires? Why not both?
New scene with Phinessa, the centaur
New scene with Crasas, the giant
Conclusion of Phinessa's quest
Conclusion of Crasas quest
Greatly improved save and load times, at the cost of reducing the amount you can rollback
Cleaned up a lot of variables that were getting saved in the save file unnecessarily, but this required some heavy changes to the core coding of the game
Other small bug fixes and improvements
News edited by Vitaltar - 30-09-2024, 12:24 Reason: add version 0.3.9[/ edit-reason]