It's a trainer game as well where you play as a teenager who lives with his step-mom and sister/step-sister and just moved to a new town after your father passes away. One day on your way to school, you hear your father and find these glasses that make people more influenced by your suggestions and you can use it to slowly corrupt the women around you. There are Cheats as well. The developer made it where you can increase the girls obedience/affection levels by left clicking on the stat you wish to add more too on the stat page for each girl individually.
Glassix 1.0.3
Added Harem ending in Gallery (Thanks @Darkbatex!)
Reduced spacing between spell lines in My Status - Spells so all Circle 0 spells fit in the page (Thanks @TheGamerTag!)
Added new event when Lily and Anael are in the same location (Thanks @SpectreRose!)
Added new event when Anael reaches the shrine (Thanks @SpectreRose!)
Reduced choices spacing so that harem ending options all fit in the page (Thanks @Tapk!)
"Vibrator: staff meeting" event is now a daily event and triggers at 6PM instead of 5PM (Thanks @HardRock!)
Fixed Improved X-Ray spell, left click toggle X-Ray mode not working bug (Thanks @Dalzomo!)
Fixed title typo during Atsuko's pact event (Thanks @Aussiemozzie!)
Fixed bug where having sex with a girl in Slave mode would cancel Slave mode after sex (Thanks @TheGamerTag!)
Fixed bug where Time Stop spell was cancelled when training a skill and the training time was starting a new day (Thanks @TheGamerTag!)
Fixed bug with Iyo obedience level 3 events not properly registering thep layer saved here and forcing pain anal (Thanks @Quazar87!)
Fixed typo in Daisuki events M. Mayor => Mr Mayor (Thanks @Squark!)
Fixed typo in Shizuru's obedience level 3 event with Hanae (Naomi => Shizuru) (Thanks @HardRock!)
Fixed typo in School Meeting event saying there was some missing option which have been added since then (Thanks @Tapk!)
Fixed bug in "My status => Items => Give Button" being sometimes empty (Thanks @Tapk!)
Fixed Rin Vibrator option at school not being available even when she had the vibrator (Thanks @Tapk!)
Fixed missing translations for events and conditions in Gallery and Events List (Thanks @Tapk!)
Fixed bug with event "School meeting" happening daily instead of each 28 days (Thanks @Tapk!)
Fixed Donation introduction event not firing when suspicion reaches 20
News edited by Vitaltar - 16-02-2025, 15:55 Reason: add version 1.0.3[/ edit-reason]