In Love and Corruption, you'll play the role of Kristan Silversword, a young swordsman who is coming to a new life after deep trauma. He will need to venture into the world of Aedryll, tasked with cleaning up any traces of corruption he finds.
This game is about exploring a vast world and discovering maps, people, quests, items, stories. But most importantly, romances with all kinds of different women.
Elves, Orcs, Nymphs, Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Goblins, Demonesses... Pure cuties that will help you, and corrupt girls that need to be stopped and tamed, and will stand in your way.
Discover hot romances of all kinds, with a lot of interactivity and, of course, profound things like pregnancy and forming a large family with your favorite waifus as you try to deal with an evil far greater than your efforts!
Ver. 0.4.2 - Changelog
Kira Storyline
Added Kira Storyline with her main quest
Added Redhill City to Ravenna Region, the homeland of the Vulpines
Intro Event at Ravenna, after "Ravenna Dark Night" and after "Lightning Step Learn" event with Ellaryel
Depending on the success during the quest, Kira's romance event will unlock...
Date Events in Redhill - Unique and later ones...
Sexy Interactions
First Fiery Cherry (Unique)
First Missionary (Unique)
First Cowgirl (Unique)
Fiery Cherry
Scratchy Footjob (Aelrie+)
Warm Blowjob
Redhill City Region
Map/Lore and first main quest introducing the place
New passive and hostile encounters
Vulpan Renegade Knight and Knightess
Hillspeak Drake
Vulpine Soldier, male and female
Reworked/Expanded Training Events with Ellariel, Gwen, and Evelyn
Each one has unique skills and passive traits unlockable by training with them
Each advanced perks learning event give 1 perk point too, up to 3 so far
Related to the Rework of our Skilltree
Reworked & Expanded Skilltree
New layout and touchy design, because there are many skills now, but there will be more...
Added... Several new skills/traits (I'm a bit tired to remind them all right now xP)
The main quests/battles now have proper descriptions if Kristan has certain skills, mainly Lightning Step and Blow
Added Skystone Garrison
New map, events, routine for Gael and Skystone Soldiers
New training events, now with variations for Kristan's skills
Variations of the training if Barbara is around, and The Late Spill quest is completed
Added Lvl 13 (For now...)
Modified Experience values and organization, making easier to get Exp in the highest levels
Modified income from Innerstone Inn, Yaket Tower, and polished ugrades too
Added Yaket Tower System!
Map/Lore and events for the place
Income System & Upgrades added - Each upgrate for the tower impacts the income, just like Innerstone Inn
Added Slavery System to the tower - New forms of getting slaves of more races
New Captain - Barbara
Barbara Storyline
Intro Events/Bedroom Dialogues
Date Events (Unique and repeatable)
Barbara Friendship Quest - The Late Spill
New Training Events with Gael at the Garrison
New Quest - Rekindling Redhill
After Kristan completed Ravenna Dark Night, the Lords Event Meeting, and Lightning Step Learning Event with Ellaryel
Major quest, divided in 3 long parts/battles
Depending on the performance of Kristan, the chance of having Kira's love...
New Quest - The Late Spill
If Barbara's a closer friend (20 friendship points+)
If Innerstone Inn and Yaket Tower have all their upgrades done
After the quest, hostile encounters around Skystone Forest/Region will not appear anymore (Except wild animals)
Gallery Updated - Kira Events (Monarch Tier)
New Items Added (WIP... Need artwork yet) - Polished gemstones
New Artworks
Barbara - Character Artwork
Cael - Character Artwork/Variations
Kira - Character Artwork/Variations
Kira - Missionary
Kira - Lying Together
Kira - Cherry Flavor
Lyrith - Wet Cowgirl
Vulpan Renegade Female - Char Artwork
Vulpan Renegade Male - Char Artwork
Priscilla - Missionary
Renee - Beddy Boobjob
Selena - Wet Footjob
Vulpine Soldier Female - Char Artwork
Vulpine Soldier Male - Char Artwork
Vulpan/Vulpine Womb Anatomy
Vulpan/Vulpine Fetuses (For now, placeholder...)
Violith - Warm Footjob
Daemys - Character Artwork
Shelana - Character Rework
Moggana - Character Rework
Tyra - Character Artwork
News edited by Vitaltar - 3-03-2025, 10:34 Reason: add version 0.4.2[/ edit-reason]